Page Reviewed / Updated – April 21, 2023

This webpage will assist Utah residents in becoming familiar with elder costs associated with assisted living, home care, and adult day care throughout the state. Payment options and financial assistance programs that aid in caring for seniors, both in the home and in the community, will also be explored.

The programs outlined on this page are inclusive of what is offered by the state of Utah, but is not inclusive of the programs available nationally. To aid in your search for nationwide assistance and to find the most appropriate program for your needs, budget, and situation, please make sure to use our Resource Locator Tool.

Utah Eldercare Costs for 2023

Cost of Care Calculator

Answer the questions below to see the cost of care in your area.

Care -Select-
  • Adult Day Care
  • Assisted Living
  • Home Care
  • Home Health Care
  • Nursing Home Care
STATE -Select-
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  • Utah
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Region -Select-

Assisted Living / Memory Care

In 2021, according to the 2020 Genworth Cost of Care Survey, the average monthly cost of assisted living statewide in Utah is $3,400, which is approximately 80% of the national monthly average of $4,300. The cost of assisted living can be found at an even more affordable rate in the city of Provo ($3,200 / month). In St. George, the average cost is equivalent to the statewide average at $3,400. In Ogden-Clearfield and Logan, the average monthly cost is between $3,588 and $3,650, which is a bit more than the state average, but still under the national average. The costliest assisted living in the state can be found in Salt Lake City at $3,700 / month, yet is still under the national average.

Memory Care units in assisted living facilities are also available for those with Alzheimer’s and other dementias who need additional assistance and supervision. On average, this type of care costs approximately 20% – 30% more than does traditional assisted living, which equates to an additional monthly fee of approximately $800 and $925.

Home Care

In Utah, as of 2021, Genworth’s 2020 Cost of Care Survey indicates the hourly average rate for home care is $25.25 throughout the state. Unlike with assisted living, which has a lower average statewide cost than the nationwide average, the cost of home care is more costly than the national average of $23.50 / hour. The areas of Logan and Ogden offer the most affordable in-home care with an average rate between $20.50 and $22.00 / hour. The areas of St. George and Provo have slightly higher average hourly costs, but are still below the statewide average, averaging $22.88 – $24.00 / hour. The cost of home care in Salt Lake City is the most expensive in the state at an hourly average of $26.75.

Home health care, which is provided by health care professionals, is also available to those who require a higher level of care. On average, this type of care costs approximately $.75 more per hour statewide than does regular home care.

Adult Day Care

In 2021, per the 2020 Genworth Cost of Care Survey, the average cost of adult day care in Utah, which is $89 / day, is above the national average of $74 / day. However, two major exceptions are  in Ogden and Salt Lake City, where adult day care can be found between $50 and $52 / day. Provo ($89 / day) and St. George ($113 / day) have average adult day care rates higher than the statewide average. The costliest area for adult day care is Logan ($120 / day). Make note, adult day care is commonly billed in half-day increments.

Utah Medicaid Financial Assistance Programs

Medicaid Programs & Waivers for the Elderly

Medicaid Programs & Waivers
Prior to learning about Medicaid based assistance, it is helpful to understand the premise of Medicaid and the terminology associated with it. Medicaid is a health care program for low-income residents and is jointly administered by the federal government and each of the states. While the federal government sets parameters for the program, each state is allowed to administer the program as they see fit within these parameters. In Utah, the state Medicaid plan covers the cost of care in nursing homes for seniors and disabled individuals, as well as some in-home personal care.

Through the Utah State Plan Medicaid Personal Care Services program, qualified individuals receive in-home care. Services may include assistance with bathing and grooming, mobility, toiletry, medication management, and preparation of meals. There is an option for self-direction of care, which means that eligible applicants are able to hire their own caregiver. This includes select relatives. As of 2023, up to 60 hours a month of assistance can be provided. 

The state of Utah also offers Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Waivers, which are intended to assist those who are elderly or disabled in aging in place. Currently, the state of Utah offers two such waivers.

1) The Aging Waiver offers a variety of supports and services for seniors (65 years of age and older) to promote independent living. These might include adult day care, meal delivery, home modifications, respite care, and personal attendant services. Consumer direction is allowed for personal care assistance. This means program participants are able to hire the caregiver of their choosing, including some family members, such as adult children. 

2) The New Choices Waiver (NCW) offers transitional services for seniors who are currently living in an assisted living facility, small health care facility, or a nursing home, but wish to transition back into the community. Benefits provided via this waiver include assistive technology, adult day care, chore services, personal emergency response systems, and respite care.

Medicaid Eligibility

In order to be eligible for Medicaid in Utah, there are income and asset restrictions. Keep in mind that eligibility requirements for HCBS Waivers may differ from the state Medicaid plan. As of 2023, in order to be eligible for the state plan, an individual’s income cannot exceed $1,215 a month. (This amount equates to 100% of the current Federal Poverty Level, which increases annually). The limit for assets (resources) is set at $2,000, though certain items, such as an individual’s primary home (with an equity interest value under $688,000), household furnishings, an automobile, and personal effects, are considered exempt.

Being over the income and / or resource limit(s) does not mean one cannot become Medicaid eligible. For instance, Utah has a Medically Needy program, also called a Spenddown program. Basically, the spenddown amount (the amount over the income limit) can be thought of as a deductible. One pays their “excess” income on medical bills, and once they have spent their income down to the income limit, they become Medicaid eligible for the remainder of the spenddown period. For those over the asset limit, one option is to use excess assets to pay debt or make home / vehicle modifications. An irrevocable funeral trust can also be purchased.

The Medicaid application process can be complicated. If you have income / resources over the limit(s), are married with a healthy spouse (a spouse that is not applying for Medicaid), or if you and your spouse are both applying for Medicaid, it is advised that you seek professional assistance. Read more.

Utah Non-Medicaid Assistance Programs

The State of Utah currently has one program that is independent of their Medicaid programs, offering care assistance for the elderly. The Alternatives Program provides a variety of in-home services, including personal care assistance, adult day care, home modifications, homemaker and chore services, and respite care. Self-direction of some services, such as personal care, is available in certain areas of the state, and select family members can be hired.

A second program called the Utah Caregiver Support Program (UCSP), is actually a national program, renamed specifically for Utah.  Read more

Other Financial Options for Care

In addition to the state specific programs that assist in covering the cost of elderly care in Utah, there are also federal and non-profit programs available. In order to find other programs that assist in paying for care or reduce your out-of-pocket cost, make sure to use our Resource Locator Tool.  This tool makes it easy to locate and consider all of your options and choose the program that best fits the circumstances. Eldercare loans and programs that aid veterans with assisted living are other available options.

Finding Affordable Care in Utah

As shown above in the average care cost section, the state of Utah has quite a variance in the cost of care depending on one’s geographic location. To assist families in finding high quality care at an affordable rate, in their preferred geographic areas, we have partnered with several organizations that assist families in doing this at no charge. Click here to find the most affordable care that meets your family’s needs.

Eldercare Financial Assistance Locator

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Top Cities for Senior Care in Utah

For more information about the costs and resources available in Utah cities, click on the links below.

Top Cities for Memory Care

Top Cities for Assisted Living