This Waiver, which essentially provides for personal care in assisted living residences is no longer relevant as Nevada’s HCB Elderly Waiver now offers the same benefit. Learn more.
This page is maintained for historical purposes.
Waiver Description
This is a Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) waiver intended for elderly Nevada residents that have elected to reside in Adult Residential Care, even though they are medically qualified for a higher level of care. Nevada offers a similar program for assisted living. Under Resident Care, participants receive assistance with the activities of daily living such as eating, transferring, toileting and bathing. This program was previously referred to as the Group Care Waiver.
Eligibility Guidelines
In addition to being 65 or more years old, residents must be ambulatory, require an intermediate level of care and be financially qualified to receive WEARC services. The financial qualifications for this HCBS waiver are the same as for Nevada Medicaid. As of 2016, the income limits for an individual applicant are $2,199 / month and $2,000 in countable resources.
Should one’s income and assets exceed the allowable limits, it is possible to still gain qualification to Nevada Medicaid by working with a specialized Medicaid planner. By organizing the applicant’s monetary holdings appropriately, applicants can often become eligible. For example, income in excess of the limits can be allocated into a Pooled Income or Miller Trust. This will effectively lower one’s income and still allow limited access to it for the purpose of affording care.
In a similar fashion, assets can be re-organized. “Countable” is the operative word when considering countable resources. One’s home and car, provided they are used by the title holders, can be considered exempt. Life or final expense insurance, burial spaces, and certain other personal effects, like wedding rings are also considered exempt assets.
Medicaid planners can serve a key role in helping families who cannot afford their cost of care to qualify for Medicaid Waivers. Learn more.
Benefits and Services
Each applicant is assessed to determine if they are medically qualified for assistance and during that assessment, their care requirements are determined in a “Plan of Care.” Approved applicants are assigned a case manager who coordinates the personal care services with the Residential Care community in which they will reside.
How to Apply / Learn More
This waiver is available statewide however enrollment is limited. Eligible individuals are not entitled to services, there must be space available. In past years a waiting list has existed. Of as late 2014, an average wait time of approximately 90 days could be expected.
WEARC is managed by Aging and Disability Services Division office. Contact your ADSD Regional Office to apply. One can also check the official webpage for the program.